Marijn Haverbeke escribió:
So, I have no way of telling postgres to stop processing the query? Actually, what I have are unsynchronized DAO objects (no any sort of long queries),
Can you show some code that demonstrates what you mean by an unsynchronized DAO object?
When you have an CLOS (DAO) object's attribute and it doesn't exist in the database table. Or otherwise, when you have an attribute in the table that is not defined in the DAO class. I think you get a DAO synchronization error when any of those happen. That is fine with me, but I would like to get rid of the hung up and be able to go on querying the db. For example: (defclass project-activity () ((userid :accessor userid :initarg :userid :initform 0 :col-type integer :documentation "The id of the user we are registering the activity for") (projectid :accessor projectid :initarg :projectid :initform 0 :col-type integer :documentation "The id of the project in which activity was detected") (value :accessor value :initarg :value :initform 0 :col-type integer :documentation "Each time user's activity in the project is detected, this value is incremented. This is used to determine the most active projects")) (:metaclass dao-class) (:documentation "Instances of this class are created when an user modifies aproject (i.e. creates, modifies, or comments one of its issues)")) If any of the attributes is not in the database, for instance 'value', then I get the error and have to restart my application.