4 Jan
4 Jan
5:09 p.m.
On 10074 day of my life Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
Hope that helps. If you come up with a better way, let me know.
I have googled for "postgres insert ignore" and found solution using SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO: http://robbat2.livejournal.com/214267.html (The example is from PosgreSQL UPDATE documentation). On 10074 day of my life Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
Oh (and I'm really sending too many separate mails today) -- have you tried just using the producer names as their IDs?
It only solves wasted IDs problem, but no other, doesn't it? And joins on strings are slower than on ints (though I cannot say my application is so much performance-constrained). -- Ivan Boldyrev "Assembly of Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind."