Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
Hello Jens,
I'm not entirely sure what you want to do here. Do you want the IF to appear in the query, or the query to be adjusted depending on the outcome of the IF? In the second case, look into SQL-COMPILE, which allows the query s-expression to be built at run-time (rather than compile time, as with the SQL macro).
Cheers, Marijn
I fount two ways to solve my problem. First is with a macro: (defmacro element (&key guid guid-parent type-id type-not-equal lang) `(postmodern:query (:order-by (:select 'guid 'name 'type-id 'name-css :from 'projekt-elemente :where (:and ,(if guid `(:= 'guid ,guid) t) ,(if guid-parent `(:= 'struct-guid-parent-node ,guid-parent) t) ,(if type-id `(:= 'type-id ,type-id) t) ,(if type-not-equal `(:not (:= 'type-id ,type-not-equal)) t) (:= 'lang-id (or ,lang *default-lang*)))) 'struct-sort-order))) Second is with let: (defun werte (lang merkmal-id &key bereich gruppe reihe) (remove-duplicates ; statt DISTINCT (let ((sql (cond (reihe (postmodern:sql (:= 'guid-reihe reihe))) (gruppe (postmodern:sql (:= 'guid-gruppe gruppe))) (bereich (postmodern:sql (:= 'guid-bereich bereich))) (t "TRUE")))) (postmodern:query (:order-by (:select 'wert :from 'projekt-merkmale-werte :where (:and (:= 'lang-id lang) (:= 'merkmal_id merkmal-id) (:raw sql))) 'wert))) :test #'equal)) Don't know if there is a more direct way to achieve this. Thanks for your library. It rocks. Jens