Marijn, On 14 Apr 2008, at 16:08, Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
I had no idea now() behaves differently depending on the data type. I can see the problem.
Well, the documentation, http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/datatype-datetime.html is quite confusing around these issues, it does seem to be possible to do extra conversions, but I would expect their now() to work like (get- universal-time), but I am no postgresql expert.
There are two new patches in the repo, one adding a reader for timestamp with time zone values as you suggested, and one replacing dashes with spaces when writing out type names. That second one is a bit of a hack, but seems to work well in most cases.
Thanks for the patches, it now works for me. Sven PS: I would like to add that Postmodern is a very nice project, well documented. I know from experience that this requires a lot of work. I was especially surprised (in the good way) by the quality of your source code: very readable, using many CL features in a clean way. Great work!