Hi: this is my first time posting here so I have no idea whom to address this to. Quicklisp was my friend in downloading and installing postmodern in a our case sensitive ACL 10.1 SMP The only problem I ran into was that in the file normalize-backend.lisp there was one upper case DO and one upper case WHEN. After fixing that I could load the whole thing. Question: could this be fixed in your source somewhere? Cheers, Jans [package uax-15]..; While file-compiling #'compose-hangul in #P"/home/test/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/uax-15-20200325-git/src/normalize-backend.lisp" ; starting at file character position 563: Error: DO is an unknown keyword in LOOP macro. Current LOOP context: DO (tagbody (when (<= 0 l-index (1- l-count)) (let ((v-index (- ch v-base))) (when (<= 0 v-index (1- v-count)) (setf last (+ s-base (* (+ (* l-index v-count) v-index) t-count))) (setf (car new-chars) last) (go :end)))) (when (and (<= 0 s-index (1- s-count)) (zerop (mod s-index t-count))) (let ((t-index (- ch t-base))) (when (< 0 t-index t-count) (setf last (+ last t-index)) (setf (car new-chars) last) (go :end)))) (push (setf last ch) new-chars) :end). [condition type: program-error] .; While file-compiling #'compose in #P"/home/test/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/uax-15-20200325-git/src/normalize-backend.lisp" ; starting at file character position 3336: Error: WHEN is an unknown keyword in LOOP macro. Current LOOP context: WHEN ch-left. [condition type: program-error] Restart actions (select using :continue): 0: retry the compilation of /home/test/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/uax-15-20200325-git/src/normalize-backend.lisp 1: continue compiling /home/test/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/uax-15-20200325-git/src/normalize-backend.lisp but generate no output file 2: Retry compiling #<cl-source-file "uax-15" "src" "normalize-backend">. 3: Continue, treating compiling #<cl-source-file "uax-15" "src" "normalize-backend"> as having been successful. 4: Retry ASDF operation. 5: Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration. 6: Give up on "postmodern" 7: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart). 8: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process. [1] uax-15(7): :cont 0 ............................... [package usocket]................................. [package cl-postgres].............................