On 2008-12-03, at 16:28, Phil wrote:
query-dao does not seem to like column names with a dash in them like column-name and I suspect it would have the same problem with spaces.
I know that the preffered for postgresql would be column_name but I though that being able to use the dash would simplify going from db to dao object to html and back, well at least for me.
Is column names with dashes just not supported, a bug or on the wish list?
Everything is supported with :RAW sql-op: (select-dao 'foo (:= (:raw "\"foo-bar\"") 23)) calls query (SELECT * FROM foo WHERE ("foo-bar" = 23)) (SELECT-DAO is a shortcut for QUERY-DAO, where you supply only the WHERE clause). There doesn't seem to exist any other way now, but it may be possible to add a bit of macro sugar.
Ok maybe I should have been a bit more precise in my description. I was not using the columns names in the query.
Here follows a quick repeatable test:
CREATE TABLE test ( id integer NOT NULL, "some" character varying NOT NULL, "test-dash" character varying ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE); ALTER TABLE test OWNER TO postgres;
insert into test (id,"some","test-dash") values(1, 'some','dash-1');
(defclass test () ((id :col-type string :initarg :id :accessor biographical-id) (some :col-type (or db-null string) :initarg :some :accessor biographical-some) (test-dash :col-type (or db-null string) :initarg :test-dash :accessor biographical-test-dash)) (:metaclass postmodern:dao-class) (:keys id))
(postmodern:query-dao 'test (:select '* :from 'test))
That last bit produces the following error:
No slot named test-dash in class TEST. DAO out of sync with table, or incorrect query used. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
I see. It was SELECT-DAO that made me think there's problem in the query. What you write about is not supported at the moment, and while it's easy to add this, it's not trivial. I just looked into postmodern/table.lisp and I see that in class DIRECT-COLUMN-SLOT there is a slot SQL-NAME. It would seem trivial to add an initarg, e.g. :COL-SQL-NAME, for this slot, and modify SHARED- INITIALIZE of DIRECT-COLUMN-SLOT to set this slot only if it's not already bound by an initarg. This way it would be possible to add :COL-SQL-NAME initarg to the slot to explicitly set column name, with upside being it wouldn't need to be a symbol. However, this slot seems to be rarely used, and there are many cases where simple TO-SQL-NAME is called on slot name, which would need to be fixed. Also, column name would need to be properly double-quoted everywhere. Your problem seems interesting and it looks like it would be useful to support your case. If all that was needed would be adding the initarg to :COL-SQL-NAME, the patch would be probably already attached to this post ;) but the way it is, I can only give these starting points so that you can fix it yourself. It shouldn't be hard, but testing the patch may be a bit time-consuming. Regards, Maciej. -- Maciej Pasternacki -><- http://www.pasternacki.net/ -><- http://www.3ofcoins.net/