Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
So could you give me the error message? That might give me a chance to figure out what the problem is.
Cheers, Marijn
Here are two queries which should produce the same result WEBCAT 36 > (postmodern:with-connection ("web_access" "web_access" "***" "localhost") (postmodern:query (:select 'pmw.wert :from (:as 'projekt-merkmale-werte 'pmw) (:as 'projekt-elemente 'pe) :where (:and (:= 'pmw.guid-produkt 'pe.guid-objekt) (:= 'pe.guid "rzt732819vlurc5827955302wwxz8b") (:= 'pmw.merkmal-id "MID1008519") (:= 'pmw.lang-id "de"))))) (("30 N") ("30 N") ("30 N") ("30 N")) WEBCAT 37 > (postmodern:with-connection ("web_access" "web_access" "***" "localhost") (postmodern:query (:select 'pmw.wert :from (:as 'projekt-merkmale-werte 'pmw) :inner-join (:as 'projekt-elemente 'pe) :on (:= 'pmw.guid-produkt 'pe.guid-objekt) :where (:and (:= 'pe.guid "rzt732819vlurc5827955302wwxz8b") (:= 'pmw.merkmal-id "MID1008519") (:= 'pmw.lang-id "de"))))) Error: Database error 42601: syntax error at or near "on" Query: (SELECT pmw.wert FROM projekt_merkmale_werte AS pmw INNER JOIN projekt_elemente AS pe ON (pmw.guid_produkt = pe.guid_objekt), projekt_elemente AS pe, on, (pmw.guid_produkt = pe.guid_objekt) WHERE ((pe.guid = 'rzt732819vlurc5827955302wwxz8b') and (pmw.merkmal_id = 'MID1008519') and (pmw.lang_id = 'de'))) Jens