25 Jan
25 Jan
9:34 p.m.
Hi Haris,
I tried (query "select * from table1;" :plists) but I get:
Error: Undefined operator NIL in form (NIL (CL-POSTGRES:EXEC-QUERY *DATABASE* "select * from table1;" (QUOTE POSTMODERN::SYMBOL-PLIST-ROW-READER)))
Interesting. On Allegro this seems to work fine. I don't have Lispworks installed at the moment. Could you do a little debugging yourself? For a start, what does the query form macroexpand to? And what if you macroexpand that again? I'm sort of confused about where the nil is coming from.
I'm from Zagreb too.
Cool. Do you know Alan Pavicic, by any chance? You should start a Lisp user group—there's bound to be at least three Lisp programmers there ;) Best, Marijn