25 Nov
25 Nov
12:46 a.m.
Hello, I just written a simple DAO cache for my app (for curious: http://paste.lisp.org/display/70998 - I wrap Hunchentoot request handler body with WITH-DAO-CACHE and it caches DAO of given class and primary key to avoid repeated SELECTs when serving a single request). For the caching to work well, I need to figure out keys of a DAO, and this functionality is unexported. Attached patch exports (and documents) DAO-KEYS, adds method for a symbol (invoking DAO-KEYS on class named by a symbol), and for a DAO instance (returning list of values that are instance's primary key). Regards, Maciej -- Maciej Pasternacki -><- http://www.pasternacki.net/ -><- http://www.3ofcoins.net/