
I have a trivial change request, which I am currently hacking around. 

Currently, cl-postgres.asd contains:

(defparameter *unicode*
  #+(or sb-unicode unicode ics) t
  #-(or sb-unicode unicode ics) nil)

It would make life slightly easier and less confusing for Clozure users if this could be extended just slightly:

(defparameter *unicode*
  #+(or sb-unicode unicode ics ccl) t
  #-(or sb-unicode unicode ics ccl) nil)

Clozure supposedly only uses Unicode for characters, so it ought to be a fine assumption. I've gotten around this on a current project by placing these lines in my .asd file:

(push :unicode *features*)

The *features* variable seems to also include some other options if you'd rather (I don't know if any of these are deprecated or preferable, I'm a bit new to all this): :clozure, :clozure-common-lisp, :openmcl-unicode-strings.

Oh, and incidentally, thanks for this library! I haven't been so pleased with a database library for as long as I can remember. It's really a joy to use.

Daniel Lyons