Hello all,

I'm having trouble trying to get a array result out of a database.

(query "create table test2 ( id integer, name text, stuff1 integer[] , stuff2 integer[][])")
(query "insert into test2 values (5,'t5',array[21,78,93,24],array[[83,92],[16,27]])")

If I'm at a psql command line, then
 select stuff2[1:2][1] from test2 where id=5;


If I try to use postmodern, eg:
(query "select stuff2[1:2][1] from test2 where id=5")

I get an error message about junk in the result:
junk in string "{83"
   [Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-PARSE-ERROR]

I'm likely missing something obvious. Everything is fine if I'm only trying to get a single item out of the array, but ideally I'd like to just pull the entire array out directly into a variable. Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated.
