Hello, I have flipped through the mailing list's archive but did not find a solution: Is Postmodern known to run under Windows? I have several PCs with Windows (XP and 7) where I use Clozure CL but Postmodern is not working. My setup: - Windows XP or Windows 7 (32 Bit) - The database is local (9.1.3) or via the network (8.4). - I use the newest Postmodern via the March distribution of Quicklisp - I user Clozure CL version 1.7 I can do a CONNECT-TOPLEVEL and with the pgadmin3 tool I can see the connection. But after a simple query like (QUERY "select 10") I get an error: --8<-- Database error: on #<BASIC-TCP-STREAM: CLOSED #xCB1E1BE>: Das Geraet erkennt den Befehl nicht. (error #22) during write [Condition of type CL-POSTGRES:DATABASE-SOCKE-ERROR --8<-- The "Das Geraet erkennt den Befehl nicht" would be something like "The device doesn't recognise the command." in English. I do not have the original error message at hand. In the PostgreSQL-Log I see the message "ungueltige Message-Laenge". That would be something like "invalid message length". Am I doing something wrong? Wrong configuration? Encoding issue? I have no idea how to fix that problem. Kind regards, Daniel.