I made a query like this:
(sql (:select '* :from 'kupci :where (:and (:like 'ime (concat-string "%" (parameter "ime") "%")) (:like 'prezime (concat-string "%" (parameter "prezime") "%"))))
I want not to apply "like" if the field in database entry is empty (null). Is there some predefined way to do this or I have to program it myself ? (parameter is a hunchentoot parameter after submitting a form)
You could make that part of the query dynamic, like this:
(sql (:select '* :from 'kupci :where (:and (:raw (if TEST (sql (:like 'ime (concat-string "%" (parameter "ime") "%"))) t)) (:raw (if TEST2 (sql (:like 'prezime (concat-string "%" (parameter "prezime") "%"))) t)))))