[postmodern-devel] Error with the :PLIST result style

Hi, I tried using the :PLIST result style with the following query: (postmodern:query (:select '* :from 'accounts) :plist) Infortunately, it doesn't work because this form expands to: (T (CL-POSTGRES:EXEC-QUERY POSTMODERN:*DATABASE* (S-SQL:SQL (:SELECT '* :FROM 'ACCOUNTS)) 'POSTMODERN::SYMBOL-PLIST-ROW-READER)) Where T isn't a function. Using other result styles works as intended. The source of the problem seems to be that in *RESULT-STYLES* (postmodern/query.lisp), :PLIST and :PLISTS are respectively associated with T and NIL, while all other result styles use SINGLE-ROW or ALL-ROWS. Am I doing something wrong or is this really a bug ? Regards, -- Nicolas Martyanoff http://codemore.org khaelin@gmail.com

Hi Nicolas, This has been fixed a while ago in git. It had been caused by a bad merge. Checkout the repository to get the fixed version. (I'll probably do a new release soon, although there isn't much new stuff to release.) Best, Marijn

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 19:27:49 +0200 Marijn Haverbeke <marijnh@gmail.com> wrote:
This has been fixed a while ago in git. It had been caused by a bad merge. Checkout the repository to get the fixed version. (I'll probably do a new release soon, although there isn't much new stuff to release.)
I just tested with the last git version, works for me. Thank you for your help :) Regards, -- Nicolas Martyanoff http://codemore.org khaelin@gmail.com
participants (2)
Marijn Haverbeke
Nicolas Martyanoff