Postmodern fits my needs very well, but whenever it comes up in discussion, nyef has dropped vague disparagement. I pestered him to write down some specifics, so here they are: http://paste.lisp.org/display/138060 Zach

Below is what I annotated the paste with. Zach, I couldn't find any info on this nyef character -- could you send nyef in the direction of my annotation on the paste next time you see him on irc -- and maybe notify me if he/she replies? Thanks. ----------- Hello nyef, It appears you've used Postmodern quite a bit. But you don't appear to have ever submitted a patch or even a bug report. For things like the macro/function confusion in the documentation (which I couldn't find), and the bad link to the mailing list (which was the case shortly after common-lisp.net changed their mailing list system, and was fixed a month ago when someone -- *not* you, of course -- mailed me about it), it'd be trivial to submit a report. For some of your others gripes, the ones that sound like actual bugs instead of vague complaints, it'd be slightly more work to isolate and investigate (or just report them). You did no such thing. What you did was piss negativity about the project in an IRC channel that I don't read. This accomplishes nothing, except possibly turn people away from useful software. Please either start being a productive community member, or stop talking about Postmodern altogether. (And no, the fact that the mailing list link was broken doesn't excuse the lack of feedback -- that was only for a few weeks, there's still the github issue tracker, and it is extremely easy to find my e-mail address.) Best, Marijn Haverbeke <marijnh@gmail.com>

Marijn Haverbeke <marijnh@gmail.com> writes:
Below is what I annotated the paste with. Zach, I couldn't find any info on this nyef character -- could you send nyef in the direction of my annotation on the paste next time you see him on irc -- and maybe notify me if he/she replies? Thanks.
Will do. "nyef" is the nickname of Alistair Bridgewater, who ported SBCL to Windows initially and who still hacks on SBCL from time to time. Zach
participants (3)
FZach Beane
Marijn Haverbeke
Zach Beane