[postmodern-devel] Multiple values from row-readers

I was wondering if it was a bug or intended behavior that row reader functions do not properly return multiple values? I am working on a cl-postgres backend to clsql, so I am not very familiar with much of the workings of this project, but noticed this somewhat odd (from my perspective) behavior. I have worked around this in the obvious way (list instead of multiple values). It seems to be a problem with the returning-effected-rows macro (which expands to a let, effectively discarding any multiple values returned from the row reader). Is there a reason not to change the definition to the following? http://paste.lisp.org/display/88358 Cheers, Russ Tyndall

Hi Russ,
Is there a reason not to change the definition to the following?
Well, it conses more, and it messes with the invariant of the # of effected rows always being the second value returned. I think explicitly returning a list or struct when you need multiple values is a better solution than altering this macro. Best, Marijn
participants (2)
Marijn Haverbeke
Russ Tyndall