[postmodern-devel] Problems with doquery and simple-date

Hi, There is probably some simple reason why these won't work, but I'm not as good in lisp to understand it. This works: CL-USER> (simple-date:decode-timestamp (caar (postmodern:query (:limit (:select (:dot 'sem 'avl 'timestamp) :from (:dot 'sem 'avl)) 1)))) 2010 1 12 8 35 50 0 This doesn't: CL-USER> (postmodern:doquery (:limit (:select (:dot 'sem 'avl 'timestamp) :from (:dot 'sem 'avl)) 1) (ivo) (simple-date:decode-timestamp ivo)) NIL I don't understand the difference, especially since for other stuff doquery works. Please advise.

Let's take Postmodern out of the picture for a second... CL-USER> (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)) 19 28 8 16 11 2010 1 NIL -1 CL-USER> (dotimes (i 1) (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))) NIL See the pattern? A loop doesn't return the value of its body, typically, since that body will be executed multiple times.

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 08:29, Marijn Haverbeke <marijnh@gmail.com> wrote:
See the pattern?
A loop doesn't return the value of its body, typically, since that body will be executed multiple times.
Yes, thank you, I do understand now. It did the work, but because of loop it didn't return what I have wrongly assumed it should.
participants (2)
Marijn Haverbeke
Slobodan Milnović