[postmodern-devel] Incompatible changes coming up

Hello list, The next version of Postmodern, 1.10, will include a number of incompatible changes. I have started pushing these changes to the repository, so if you need a stable interface, you should be careful when fetching patches. The repository at http://common-lisp.net/project/postmodern/darcs/postmodern-old holds only backwards-compatible changes. After 1.10 has been properly released and declared stable, I will stop supporting the old interface -- the changes are not that big, and I am too lazy to support multiple branches. So consider yourself warned ;) Cheers, Marijn

Hi list, I hope I haven't made anyone too nervous by announcing upcoming incompatible changes. I have pushed a lot of patches the past week and I think that, except for some low-level CL-postgres issues, things are now pretty much as they should be. If you are not using the DAO interface, the changes will be largely irrelevant to you. Based on problems people on this list were having, and some stuff we ran into at Streamtech, I have revised the DAO interface to rely more on the MOP and less on macros. It should be more flexible now. You can read about it by pulling the updated documentation from the repository -- there's even a short migration guide: http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=postmodern-postmodern... I would very much appreciate it if some people were to try out the new interface, and tell me what they think. There are probably some bugs in there -- the code uses a few rather dubious MOP tricks -- but on all major implementation that I could test (I couldn't get ECL to work on my Ubuntu system, for some reason) the basic stuff worked fine. Cheers, Marijn
participants (1)
Marijn Haverbeke