[postmodern-devel] OSX 10.6.8 Intel - SBCL 1.0.54 The function cl-postgres::write-uint4 is undefined.

Hi, having some difficulty with OSX 10.6.8 Intel - SBCL 1.0.54 I used quicklisp (most current) to install and my debian (6.0.3) boxes are fine but my Macbook Pro (10.6.8) is having the issue. The same error is happening when I use; postgresql 8.4 or 9.1 locally (running on OSX) or remote to a debian box running 8.4 and even a VM (VirtualBox) running debian (6.0.3) on the Mac with NAT forwarding to postgres 8.4. I can connect with psql in the various configurations described for the remote connection I made the appropriate "all/all/trusted" additions to the "/etc/" files so it is unencumbered by any security. I deleted my FASLs and I tried connecting without a database running and the FASL removal and "re-load" did not solve the issue and the connect-toplevel without a database running error was what I expected. The Postgres is a "clean" install with only the ytestdb added on all systems I tested against. ytestdb is the database postgres is the user post is the password ;;ERROR cl-postgre::write-uint4 undefined (messages.lisp) I hope this information is helpful. Thanks, - C cl-user> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :postmodern) #<asdf:load-op nil {1003053F83}> nil cl-user> (use-package :postmodern) t cl-user> (connect-toplevel "ytestdb" "postgres" "post" "localhost") ; Evaluation aborted on #<cl-postgres:database-socket-error {100874D7A3}>. ;;; THIS IS WITH NO POSTGRES RUNNING cl-user> (connect-toplevel "ytestdb" "postgres" "post" "localhost") The function cl-postgres::write-uint4 is undefined. [Condition of type undefined-function] Restarts: 0: [retry] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request. 1: [*abort] Return to SLIME's top level. 2: [terminate-thread] Terminate this thread (#<thread "repl-thread" running {1002BE0043}>) Backtrace: 0: ("bogus stack frame") [No Locals] 1: (cl-postgres::startup-message #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument>) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = :<not-available> sb-debug::arg-1 = :<not-available> sb-debug::arg-2 = :<not-available> 2: (cl-postgres::authenticate #<unavailable argument> "postgres" "post" "ytestdb" :no) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = :<not-available> sb-debug::arg-1 = "postgres" sb-debug::arg-2 = "post" sb-debug::arg-3 = "ytestdb" sb-debug::arg-4 = :no 3: (cl-postgres::initiate-connection #<database-connection {10089CD923}>) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = #<database-connection {10089CD923}> 4: (cl-postgres:open-database #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument> #<unavailable argument>) Locals: cl-postgres::database = :<not-available> cl-postgres::host = :<not-available> cl-postgres::password = :<not-available> cl-postgres::port = :<not-available> cl-postgres::use-ssl = :<not-available> cl-postgres::user = :<not-available> 5: (connect-toplevel "ytestdb" "postgres" "post" "localhost" :port 5432 :use-ssl nil) Locals: postmodern::database = "ytestdb" postmodern::host = "localhost" #:n-supplied-32 = nil postmodern::password = "post" postmodern::user = "postgres" #:|port-DEFAULTING-TEMP| = 5432 #:|use-ssl-DEFAULTING-TEMP| = nil 6: (sb-int:simple-eval-in-lexenv (connect-toplevel "ytestdb" "postgres" "post" "localhost") #<NULL-LEXENV>) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = (connect-toplevel "ytestdb" "postgres" "post" "localhost") sb-debug::arg-1 = #<NULL-LEXENV> 7: (eval (connect-toplevel "ytestdb" "postgres" "post" "localhost")) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = (connect-toplevel "ytestdb" "postgres" "post" "localhost") 8: (swank::eval-region "(connect-toplevel \"ytestdb\" \"postgres\" \"post\" \"localhost\")\n") Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = "(connect-toplevel \"ytestdb\" \"postgres\" \"post\" \"localhost\")\n" 9: ((lambda () :in swank::repl-eval)) [No Locals] 10: (swank::track-package #<CLOSURE (lambda # :in swank::repl-eval) {10089CD43B}>) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = #<CLOSURE (lambda () :in swank::repl-eval) {10089CD43B}> 11: (swank::call-with-retry-restart "Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request." #<CLOSURE (lambda # :in swank::repl-eval) {10089CD35B}>) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = "Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request." sb-debug::arg-1 = #<CLOSURE (lambda () :in swank::repl-eval) {10089CD35B}> 12: (swank::call-with-buffer-syntax nil #<CLOSURE (lambda # :in swank::repl-eval) {10089CD32B}>) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = nil sb-debug::arg-1 = #<CLOSURE (lambda () :in swank::repl-eval) {10089CD32B}> 13: (swank::repl-eval "(connect-toplevel \"ytestdb\" \"postgres\" \"post\" \"localhost\")\n") Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = "(connect-toplevel \"ytestdb\" \"postgres\" \"post\" \"localhost\")\n" 14: (sb-int:simple-eval-in-lexenv (swank:listener-eval "(connect-toplevel \"ytestdb\" \"postgres\" \"post\" \"localhost\") ..) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = (swank:listener-eval ..) sb-debug::arg-1 = #<NULL-LEXENV> 15: (eval (swank:listener-eval "(connect-toplevel \"ytestdb\" \"postgres\" \"post\" \"localhost\") ..) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = (swank:listener-eval ..) 16: (swank:eval-for-emacs (swank:listener-eval "(connect-toplevel \"ytestdb\" \"postgres\" \"post\" \"localhost\")\n") "COMMON-LISP-USER" 40) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = (swank:listener-eval ..) sb-debug::arg-1 = "COMMON-LISP-USER" sb-debug::arg-2 = 40 17: (swank::process-requests nil) Locals: sb-debug::arg-0 = nil 18: ((lambda () :in swank::handle-requests)) 19: ((lambda () :in swank::handle-requests)) 20: (swank-backend::call-with-break-hook #<FUNCTION swank:swank-debugger-hook> #<CLOSURE (lambda # :in swank::handle-requests) {1002BF011B}>) 21: ((flet swank-backend:call-with-debugger-hook :in "/Users/cpc26/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/slime-20111105-cvs/swank-sbcl.lisp") ..) 22: (swank::call-with-bindings ..) 23: (swank::handle-requests #<swank::connection {1003DA2BF3}> nil) 24: ((flet #:without-interrupts-body-243284 :in sb-thread:make-thread)) 25: ((flet sb-thread::with-mutex-thunk :in sb-thread:make-thread)) 26: ((flet #:without-interrupts-body-88835 :in sb-thread::call-with-mutex)) 27: (sb-thread::call-with-mutex ..) 28: (sb-thread::initial-thread-function) 29: ("foreign function: call_into_lisp") 30: ("foreign function: new_thread_trampoline") 31: ("foreign function: _pthread_start") 32: ("foreign function: thread_start")

cl-postgre::write-uint4 undefined (messages.lisp)
If this is the actual error message, then your source is most likely corrupted somehow (the symbol is "cl-postgres::write-uint4"). This is definitely not a problem with your PostgreSQL setup. The write-uint4 function should be defined by cl-postgres/communicate.lisp (through a macro). Best, Marijn
participants (2)
Carr Colin
Marijn Haverbeke