OK, well I'm wondering if anyone remembers the keybinding M-RET (meta return), within a semi-colon (;) comment, which used to wonderfully both start a new line, but also continue the comment at the same indent level, same number of leading semi-colons, with a space after. Example: You're here, and your cursor is where the * is: (defun foo () ;; blah blah blah* and you type M-RET. Next thing that happens is the cursor is on the next line where the * is, and the lines then look like this: (defun foo () ;; blah blah blah ;; * What happened to that functionality? I thought it was there for years, I'm pretty sure on the Lisp Machine and I think for years in regular Emacs in Lisp mode. It got ingrained in my fingers, and I often still try it, but of course now all I get is: M-RET is undefined Thank you. ----- Original message ----- From: Pascal Bourguignon <pjb@informatimago.com> To: Discussion list for Common Lisp professionals <pro@common-lisp.net>Subject: Re: emacs lisp mode, mailing list? Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 18:35:04 +0200
On 21 Jun 2018, at 17:49, Mark H. David <mhd@yv.org> wrote:
Is there a mailing list to ask questions and make suggestions and talk about emacs lisp mode for pro Lispers? Would that be here perhaps? Yes, there’s no other place.
-- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__