Hmmm, I notice the ANS says this about the VALUES type specifier: This *type specifier*<> can be used only as the *value-type* in a *function*<> *type specifier*<> or a *the*<> *special form*<> . I consider this to be a flaw in the ANS. The CHECK-TYPE macro takes a _place_ as its first subform, and _place_ is defined in the glossary in terms of _generalized reference_ which in 5.1.1 contains text mentioning values plural in a couple places, e.g. the ultimate result of evaluating *setf*<> is the value or values being stored. I think during the proofreading of the many ANS drafts no one except me ever checked this issue for consistency, and I did it 21 years too late. If god had intended standards to be such precious things, he wouldn't have made so many of them. On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Steve Haflich <> wrote:
On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Scott McKay <> wrote:
It's sad that this conses...
A challenge exercise for students:
If an implementation can stack-cons a &rest list, no heap consing is necessary.
Hint: multiple-value-call