From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Lu=EDs_Oliveira?= <luismbo@gmail.com> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 10:53:51 +0000 Hello Nick, On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Nick Levine <ndl@ravenbrook.com> wrote:
Development uses images which are primed to check that the system is up to date (and to correct that as appropriate) on startup. That way we get rapid startup but everything compiled up to date.
Can you describe in more detail how that works? Sure. The detail is a bit mucky and probably unilluminating, because I postpone the compilation until after the LW GUI had finished firing up. (If I weren't so picky, I could hand a restart-function to save-image.) Here are the excerpts from our build script which drive this: (defun application-load (&key compile-only) (let ((defsys (truename (relative-path "code/defsys.lisp")))) (load defsys)) (compile-system "PROFILER-PLUS" :load (not compile-only) :force (find "-force" sys:*line-arguments-list* :test 'string=))) (application-load) [...] (define-action "Initialize LispWorks Tools" "Reload PPlus" (lambda (screen) (declare (ignore screen)) (when-let (listener (mp:find-process-from-name "Listener 1")) (mp:process-interrupt listener (lambda () (application-load) ;; Now activate the app. (pp::activate nil) )))) :after "Run the environment start up functions") LispWorks has these beasts called "action lists": hooks by another name. What the above is saying is: while initializing the LW tools, after running LW's internal startup functions, execute this bit of code which as you see recompiles the system (maybe forcing it, depending on the -force line argument) and then activates the application so I can play with it as I hack. - nick