On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 12:32 AM, Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Don,

sorry for a late reply.

The intended way to use ASDF in your case would be to use two or more
systems, that may be defined in the same .asd file (using the / syntax
to name a secondary system: roan, roan/core, roan/sqlite, etc.) or
separate .asd files (using - or . as a separator).

I like this suggestion because it lets the user decide what is to be built. 

It won't scale though.

This is an excerpt from the help message of ImageMagick's configure script:
  --disable-openmp        do not use OpenMP
  --enable-opencl         enable OpenCL support
  --without-threads       disable threads support
  --without-bzlib         disable BZLIB support
  --with-x                use the X Window System
  --without-zlib          disable ZLIB support
  --without-dps           disable Display Postscript support
  --without-fftw          disable FFTW support
  --without-fpx           disable FlashPIX support
  --without-djvu          disable DjVu support
  --without-fontconfig    disable fontconfig support
  --without-freetype      disable Freetype support
  --without-raqm          disable Raqm support
  --with-gslib            enable Ghostscript library support
  --with-gvc              enable GVC support
  --without-jbig          disable JBIG support
  --without-jpeg          disable JPEG support
  --without-lcms          disable lcms (v1.1X) support
  --without-openjp2       disable OpenJP2 support
  --without-lqr           disable Liquid Rescale support
  --without-lzma          disable LZMA support
  --without-openexr       disable OpenEXR support
  --without-pango         disable PANGO support
  --without-png           disable PNG support
  --with-rsvg             enable RSVG support
  --without-tiff          disable TIFF support
  --without-webp          disable WEBP support
