Hi! I'd certainly want this project to continue, so I'd consider participating in it. Can you give a rough estimate of the frequency of requests and the effort needed to address them? I am a bit confused that the project actually seems to reside at common-lisp.net, but claims to be hosted at cdr.eurolisp.org (which redirects to Edi's homepage). How is the work organized technically? Is there a version control repository? Yours aye Svante Am 22. Mai 2018 10:50:20 MESZ, schrieb Pascal Costanza <pc@p-cos.net>:
The Common Lisp Document Repository (CDR - https://common-lisp.net/project/cdr/) is for all practical purposes currently unmaintained. We have been receiving a few minor requests recently, but don’t have the time anymore to take care of this.
Is there somebody else in the community who would like to take over and breathe some new life into this project?
Thanks, Pascal
-- Pascal Costanza