Yay history train.

Been programming lisp languages since my enlightenment in the 90's and spend 8 years in a startup that was based on Common Lisp and Clojure that sadly disintegrated with the untimely death of my co-founder. Since then I've stopped using Federal Reserve Notes, AKA the petro-dollar, on principal, (< $100 month) and am attempting to build a life of pure reciprocity in a small Montana town. Gardens, orchards, goats, oh my. I spend most of my mornings, before sunrise, coding in a lisp based language attempting to build community support software and continuing on the life-long learning journey that is being a computer programmer.


On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 2:51 PM Kevin Layer <layer@franz.com> wrote:
OK, jumping on the history train here...

My lisp journey started in a CS class at UC Berkeley taught by
Professor Richard Fateman (of Macsyma and Maxima fame).  I volunteered
on the first day to fix the lisp system (nil wasn't evaluating to nil,
but generating an error).  It was Harvard Lisp and it ran on a PDP 11
I think.  It was written in assembler and had comments about class
assignments.  Fateman hired me after that class and I worked for him
on Franz Lisp.  First task was to port Liszt (the compiler) from the
VAX to the Motorola 68000.  The machine was in a closet and was bigger
than a fridge.  We got an early Sun workstation and I ported to that,
too.  4MB of RAM was the same as the VAXen we had.

I helped found Franz, Inc (with 4 others) in 1984 and have been here
ever since.  I manage the Lisp group, do release management for
Allegro CL, as well as lots of other things.
