Daniel Weinreb <dlw@google.com> writes:
I wrote a little package for "fash hash tables", which provide an abstraction that is analogous to that of Common Lisp hash tables, but is faster for tables with few elements, and only slightly inferior for tables with many elements.
I did this because performance analysis showed that our system was spending too much time in hash table operations, and using the new package helped.
I have recently been cleaning this up, one reason being that I'd like to open source it. The function names used to be things like getfhash and mapfhash. Now they are like fhash:get and fhash:map-elements and so on.
However, before I open-source it, I was to make sure it's "right". It recently occurred to me that the package name "fhash" has problems.
Here are pros and cons of changing it that I can see.
Pro: I's not a hash table in the small-cardinality case; it's a linear lookup. So the name is not actually accurate.
Pro: Calling such a data structure a "hash table", even as Common Lisp does, is an abstraction violation. Whether it works by hashing is an implementation detail. The Java collection library calls this a Map. Python calls it a dictionary. Clojure calls it a map. Those are both better names.
Con: Common Lisp already uses the name "hash table", so it would be easier for existing Common Lisp programmers to see the analogy.
Advice? Thanks!
Cesarum has an ADAPTATIVE-DICTIONARY abstraction that does that: https://gitorious.org/com-informatimago/com-informatimago/blobs/master/commo... It uses hash-tables when it's fast, and faster data structure when hash-tables are slow (ie. when they don't have enough elements). -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.