I'm a long time lurker and unknown in the community but I'd also love to help out with this (time, technical expertise, money, whatever).

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Clint Moore <clint@ivy.io> wrote:
Drew C <me@drewc.ca> writes:
> Hey,
> Thank you for informing me on what is being said behind my back, that helps
> me to decide on my future quite a bit :)

I'm going to assume that this isn't directed at me, but if I'm wrong,
please understand that, while that wasn't the intent, I apoligise.

> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, in my opinion that is completely different from actually happened,
> and given that I am now the only admin of a site that I do not use, and did
> not 'decide' to 'migrate' but rather 'did not have the $foo it would take
> to keep the box up another month', I am wondering what politricksian you
> were speaking with that told you?
> Here is the situation :
> 1) I have never been an administrater of CL-NET till recently, just a
> 'donation' of the box itself from 2007 or so until the near future.
> 2) I was told that the business who runs the dedicated service are shutting
> down, and the box will go with it.
> 3) I asked for help, and others who knew apache. exim and mailman to please
> help me because I do not know those things.
> 4) I did not receive any help, and the box was going to be shutdown unless
> I paid a lot to keep it up an extra month.
> 5) I paid a lot, and asked for help again while I had to move things.
> 6) I tried to moved things over gradually, but the people who do use it for
> releases of their software and needed it up, so I paid twice as much to
> leave it up for an extra week or so.
> 7) Now I hear complaints and political talk, yet nobody volunteers to take
> over, and apparently there is politricks involved.
> 8) I still ask for help, and will here again : "I would like some help
> because I do not use this site and those who do use it may know a bit more
> about that they need"
> The issue at hand is therefore political rather than technical.
> Can you please inform me of the politricks? The reason that I had to move
> from mailman to mlmmj is because I know mlmmj technically, and I know
> postmodern and postgresql more then I know exim + whatever. So, having been
> the one that 'started the issue' for technical reasons,. would like to know
> the politicians who are in competition with me for common-lisp.net, and if
> they would like to take over?
> I wish that political things were not as important to Common Lispers as
> simply having things running, but if folks do not want what I did my best
> to keep up, then please contact me about taking over. If you do not want to
> take over but simply want something that is not there yet, clo-devel is a
> good place to ask I guess.

That's quite a different situation.

  I would like to volunteer to maintain and pay for keeping
common-lisp.net around into the forseeable future, though no one in the
community knows me which might or might not be an issue.

  If I may be so bold as to ask for access to the backups or tarball of
the machine, I could bring up a box with everything working and submit
it for review to whomever, and if it's acceptable we could simply point
common-lisp.net to it.