On 4 July 2011 19:42, Pascal J. Bourguignon <pjb@informatimago.com> wrote:
I don't think so.
I disagree strongly, and I'm pretty sure CLHS agrees with me, since it goes to the trouble of specifying what happens with FUNCALL. CLHS, DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO: "The &whole argument is bound to the form argument that is passed to the compiler macro function. The remaining lambda-list parameters are specified as if this form contained the function name in the car and the actual arguments in the cdr, but if the car of the actual form is the symbol funcall, then the destructuring of the arguments is actually performed using its cddr instead." (I'm not really interested in fencing re. compiler-macros here, just trying to keep the record only moderately crooked. This is a sidetrack of epic proportions already: the OP asked about :KEY, not compiler-macros.) Cheers, -- nikodemus