On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:18 AM, Attila Lendvai <attila.lendvai@gmail.com> wrote:
dear lispers,

what is the state of the art in running lisp (not just CL) on mobile
platforms, preferably in a portable way?

There was an ECL port attempt but I didn't track it too closely lately
I remember vaguely that a few scheme would be available and I thing CCL
is also in the picture.  I'd rather talk for MKCL if you don't mind.

is mkcl viable to run as a native app both on iOS and android?

right now it is not, period. But it is on my list of things to do any month now.
As soon as I get the ffi to be C99-complete as I say, and that I am done
with the proper interface to the "environment" (that CLTL2 thing, you know)
I will get right to it.

if iOS has too many legal constraints and whatnot, then let's forget
it for now.

I worked up a few thing that should be able to accommodate it pretty well I think.
Basically, MKCL is now layered in at least two levels with the lowest surely
to the taste of the most paranoid, well I hope. I see it as a cheap and easy tree shaker.

what are the downsides of connecting to the NDK (android C API)? how
much of android is not available through the NDK?

Haven't touched it yet.

• attila lendvai
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