Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> writes:
Is there a portable way to create a simple-style-warning condition that when signaled with WARN won't cause SLIME to claim that file compilation failed, that works for all/most CL implementations?
I'm trying to use this:
(define-condition simple-style-warning (style-warning simple-warning) ())
(found in one of KMP's usenet posts: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/browse_thread/thread/c55278c8da409bda/bea4d994f8c2e0bb?lnk=gst&q=style-warning#bea4d994f8c2e0bb)
but it works inconsistently in SBCL and CCL. Slime claims that compilation is failed when the third value, failure-p, of COMPILE-FILE is T. And it's specified to return T whenever "error or warning (other than style-warning)" were signalled.
-- With Best Regards, Stas.