On 12 Sep 2019, at 17:38, Marco Antoniotti <marco.antoniotti@unimib.it> wrote:
Dear all
I took the liberty to create a Zenodo Community for CDRs (https://zenodo.org/communities/cdr/).
The main advantage of the Zenodo setup is that it assigns DOIs to he uploaded documents. In that way each CDR can also be cited in an unambiguous way across the Internet.
If it is ok with all the submitters I will (slowly) upload the CDRs to the Zenodo Community with all the appropriate attributions. If you feel that something should not be uploaded or if you think there may be some problems with its uploading, do let me know. For the time being I will not upload the CLOS CDR as there may be some issue with it, although it is probably not that important anymore.
Be sure to update https://cliki.net/CDR when it’s done ;-) -- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__