Ooooh you are soooo evil Pascal  :) :) :)

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 11:29 AM Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote:
Le 07/02/2021 à 10:10, Marco Antoniotti a écrit :
> ... and I can always CHANGE-CLASS, can't I?

Of course.  There are a lot of features of CL that renders most of the
software engineering fad entirely useless or obvious.

This is part of the reasons why lisp is not more popular: there's no PhD
to work on when you work with lisp, since the problems they solve don't
occur or are solved trivially in lisp; there's no software engineering
technique to be developed and evangelized (with books or expensive
conferences) when you work with lisp because there are no deficiencies
so dire in the language to require them;  there's no need for
sophisticated tools and IDE to be developped and sold to lisp
programmers, since the syntax is so trivial just a few hacks in emacs
are enough for 99% of the needs.

__Pascal Bourguignon__

Marco Antoniotti, Associate Professor         tel. +39 - 02 64 48 79 01
DISCo, Università Milano Bicocca U14 2043
Viale Sarca 336
I-20126 Milan (MI) ITALY