10 Apr
10 Apr
3:05 p.m.
On Apr 10, 2014, at 16:31 , Paul Tarvydas <paultarvydas@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm using sbcl to write-char a 16-bit unsigned integer to a socket as two separate unsigned 8-bit bytes, for example 141 should appear as
#x00 #x8d.
SBCL appears to convert the #x8d into a two-byte utf-8 char, resulting in 3 bytes written to the stream
\#x00 #xcd #x8d.
What is the proper incantation to achieve this? (SBCL on Windows, if that matters).
It may not be very helpful, but the “right incantation” would be to write a CDR that specified the behavior of implementations that deal with UTF* and UNICODE. Any takers? Cheers — MA