Jean-Claude, you can expect your compiler to ignore your "inline" declaration. Or do something else with it. It is just a hint. [1] A sufficiently smart compiler might use compile-time type inference to find a method matching some set of argument types and then replace the function invocation by the body of that method. To me, it appears to be questionable whether such a smart compiler would depend on inline declarations. I am just a user, though, and maybe one of the compiler writers on this list want to add some of the fine points surrounding this :) -Hans [1] http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/d_inline.htm 2014-07-10 0:00 GMT+02:00 Jean-Claude Beaudoin < jean.claude.beaudoin@gmail.com>:
Hello CL pros,
I am trying to figure out the meaning of the inline declaration when the so qualified function happens to be a generic function. As in:
(declaim (inline foo)) (defgeneric foo (a b))
What can be expected of a compiler when it then faces a call to foo while the above is in effect?
Is this an obvious no-op or did some find something useful to do in such a context?
Thanks for your help,
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