I care, and am my company is willing to spend time and money to keep it and the ALU content on the air, so to speak.  Frankly, it would be an honor.

I get that no one of note knows me and almost certainly no one knows of my company, so it'd be a stretch to trust me with anything, but the offer is there.

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 10:35 PM Nick Levine <nick@nicklevine.org> wrote:
Now that we've established why lisp.org and its friends are long-term off air...

The website at lisp.org contained a photo of John McCarthy (and nothing else) since the week he died six years ago. What's the message?

In contrast take a quick look at (say) python.org, a site devoted to really assisting people to use that language.

Do we care, and if we do how do we go about effecting change?

- nick