Thank you Steve for your very good summary. IMHO, what it needed is at least the kind of summary document saying what “sub-standard” external formats are available; you say that that would be possible and the only sensible thing to do at this time. I agree and that would already be a good thing to have. The issue of how and whether specifying the mapping to code points would break back compatibility is not clear to me, but then, my character coding fu and its ramifications are very weak. Cheers — MA On Apr 12, 2014, at 06:12 , Steve Haflich <shaflich@gmail.com> wrote:
There is very little for a substandard to specify without overreaching (or unnecessarily duplicating) other, more universal specifications.
Back when X3J13 spent a lot of time considering I18N, Unicode didn't yet exist. Unicode has been a big success in dealing with a very difficult problem, and had existed, X3J13 probably would have specified it (if an implementation chooses to support more than the set of basic chars) just as Java did years later. Further, UTF-8 didn't yet exist, but if it had, implementations and perhaps even X3J13 would have adopted it as a default. But that's the history of a different universe, and there exist some historical implementations that have character code points different from Unicode.
Every Common Lisp implementation implements a character set and maps those characters onto nonnegative integer code points. That mapping is not specified, and although Unicode (or perhaps just its intersection with ASCII) would be the sane choice in modern times. But this has nothing to do with external formats. Unicode does not define externalization formats -- it defines _only_ the mapping between zillions of characters (most not yet existent) into nonegative integer code points in the range of 21 bits. It can and does do this without the blessing of the Lisp community.
UTF-8 defines a mapping of Unicode code points onto a sequence of octets. It was originally defined to support the encoding of arbitrary 32-bit nonnegative integers onto sequences of 1 to 6 octets, but it was subsequently tied closer to Unicode in that it is defined to support on the 21-bit Unicode range, and also that certain code points (e.g. the surrogate pairs) are defined to be errors. (Much of this is explained understandably on the Wikipedia UTF-8 page.) So, UTF-8 is well defined and can work without the blessing of the Lisp community.
So, if an implementation supports UTF-8 as an external format, it ought translate whatever it uses for its internal code points into UTF-8 (which represents, of course, Unicode code points). Those internal code points are not the business of any specification, and the UTF-8 translation is already well defined by the Unicode and UTF-8 standards.
What's left? Well, there is a little that could still be productively substandardificated. Specifically, the ANS punts nearly completely on what can be used as the value of an :external-format argument. So quasi-portable code can't know what to specify if it wants to join the modern computing community and read/write UTF-8. I think the obvious answer if to draft a substandard for a convention of :keyword names which an implementation ought support for portability. (Allegro does this, and I'd be happy to provide a list of the many encodings and ef names that have been supported for decades.) The most important one is of course :UTF-8, but semistandardizing this along with the many ISO8859-nn encodings plus the several traditional popular Japanese and Chinese encodings. All these encodings are rapidly falling out of usage, but there are historical web pages and other sources that Common Lisp ought be able to internalize (for those implementations that think this is important).
Other than external format naming, I can't think of anything that Common Lisp needs to standardize. Yes, the language would have been a better programming-ecology citizen if code points were defined as Unicode, but that would be back incompatible.
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