Ah - success! I could not get asdf to work - see note below since it may be helpful to understand why - but quicklist just worked ... (thanks for the tip Nick) *ASDF Notes (th**is is all ACL 9.0 64bit)* sch(68): (asdf:asdf-version) "" sch(74): (asdf/operate:load-system "cl-pdf") Error: Component "cl-pdf" not found [condition type: missing-component] sch(75): (setf asdf:*central-registry* '(*default-pathname-defaults*)) (*default-pathname-defaults*) sch(76): (asdf/operate:load-system "cl-pdf") ; Loading c:\LISP\CL-pdf\trunk\cl-pdf.asd Error: Component :iterate not found, required by #<system "cl-pdf"> [condition type: missing-dependency] *QUICKLISP notes* sch(78): (ql:quickload :cl-pdf) To load "cl-pdf": Load 1 ASDF system: cl-pdf ; Loading "cl-pdf" To load "iterate": Install 1 Quicklisp release: iterate ; Fetching #<url "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/iterate/2013-01-28/iterate-20130128-darcs.tgz"> ; 326.07KB ================================================== 333,896 bytes in 1.85 seconds (176.73KB/sec) ; Loading "iterate" [package iterate].......................... ; Loading "cl-pdf" To load "zpb-ttf": Install 1 Quicklisp release: zpb-ttf ; Fetching #<url "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/zpb-ttf/2013-07-20/zpb-ttf-1.0.3.tgz"> ; 43.82KB ================================================== 44,869 bytes in 0.13 seconds (327.00KB/sec) ; Loading "zpb-ttf" [package zpb-ttf].......... ; Loading "cl-pdf" [package pdf].................................. (:cl-pdf) sch(79): (example1 "c:/temp/temp.pdf") #P"c:\\temp\\temp.pdf" sch(80): (ed *) It works ... thanks team.. Martin M