My favorite macro was suggested by Marco Baringer: (defmacro with-nesting ((#-ccl &optional) &rest things) (reduce #'(lambda (outer inner) (append outer (list inner))) things :from-end t)) You can then put plenty of binding forms at the same indentation level, without inventing one kind of new syntax per binding form. I once wrote a program to turn SEXP-syntaxed IBM 370 assembly "datastructure" declarations into Lisp code to decode such. Worked great, but doesn't fit in a page, what with EBCDIC decoding, weird assembly conventions, primitive memory management and other horrors. But the principle was also that inside a PROGX, a definition form (DS PRS H ->date date-string "PARS Date of update") ;@@drop would turn into code that would bind a variable PRS to a value read from current cursor position (post-incremented), interpreted as a date, and add a summary of said value (a string) to an index. You could then read a reformatted, annotated, tweaked and bugfixed derivative of the original assembly source code as the program to decode same datastructures. [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.