JP Massar joined our team and fired up the AllegroCL IDE in Emacs mode and immediately lamented the absence of mouse commands. The Franz team remembered them as awesome and provided them in a day. Cursive lacks them and seems uninterested in pursuing them, but we think we found them on The Google. Moral, Emacs giveth and Emacs taketh away. I looked at coding up mouse commands myself but just out of curiosity and gave up without even trying. But I am sure it would be doable. I just googled M-Ret and did not find it. Cursive, however, has that behavior without me even hokding down Meta. FWIW. -kt On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 6:50 PM, Mark H. David <mhd@yv.org> wrote:
OK, well I'm wondering if anyone remembers the keybinding M-RET (meta return), within a semi-colon (;) comment, which used to wonderfully both start a new line, but also continue the comment at the same indent level, same number of leading semi-colons, with a space after. Example:
You're here, and your cursor is where the * is:
(defun foo () ;; blah blah blah*
and you type M-RET. Next thing that happens is the cursor is on the next line where the * is, and the lines then look like this:
(defun foo () ;; blah blah blah ;; *
What happened to that functionality? I thought it was there for years, I'm pretty sure on the Lisp Machine and I think for years in regular Emacs in Lisp mode. It got ingrained in my fingers, and I often still try it, but of course now all I get is: M-RET is undefined
Thank you.
----- Original message ----- From: Pascal Bourguignon <pjb@informatimago.com> To: Discussion list for Common Lisp professionals <pro@common-lisp.net> Subject: Re: emacs lisp mode, mailing list? Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 18:35:04 +0200
On 21 Jun 2018, at 17:49, Mark H. David <mhd@yv.org> wrote:
Is there a mailing list to ask questions and make suggestions and talk about emacs lisp mode for pro Lispers? Would that be here perhaps?
Yes, there’s no other place.
-- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__
-- Kenneth Tilton http://tiltontec.com/