On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 at 16:29, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergmann@me.com> wrote:
But this is kind of also possible in i.e. Java where you can say: Foo.class.newInstance() which uses reflection and is not normally used. But is effectively similar to make-instance `foo.
My Java is getting rustier and rustier, but maybe you can tell me why the following program doesn't compile: class Foo { } class Bar extends Foo { } class Baz extends Foo { } class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { makeAndPrint(Foo.class); makeAndPrint(Bar.class); makeAndPrint(Baz.class); } public static void makeAndPrint(Class<Foo> klass) { try { Object o = klass.newInstance(klass); System.out.println("Created: " + o.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed: " + klass); } } } The rough equivalent in Common Lisp would be: (defclass foo () ()) (defclass bar (foo) ()) (defclass baz (foo) ()) (mapcar #'make-instance '(foo bar baz)) Luís