Message: 1 Date: Sun, 6 May 2012 20:57:27 +0200 From: Pascal Costanza <pc@p-cos.net> Here is a suggested wording. ------------- snip ----------------- #; is used to comment out single expressions; the syntax is /#; expression/. This textual notation is treated as whitespace; that is, it is as if the ``#; expression'' did not appear and only a space appeared in its place. #; operates by skipping over the form. Skipping over the form is accomplished by binding *read-suppress* to true and then calling read. ------------- snip ----------------- It might be better to simply state that "#;" behaves exactly the same way that "#+(or)" behaves. That way any future clarifications about various edge cases can all be fixed in the same place. Any comments or ideas about this? It also might be better to instead try to standardize on a short feature name that is guaranteed to -never- appear on the features list. For example, if it was guaranteed that :% would never appear as a member of *FEATURES*, then you could use "#+%". (Or "#+_", "#+-", "#+||", "#++", ...) This has the advantage that it has a very low cost of adoption. All known Common Lisp inplementations effectively already implement it. To truly implement it they would only have to make a promise.