And the conversions to octet vectors may work for strings, but not in general for arbitrary integer or float values…
I’m not sure what you mean there. This code?
(defun to-byte-array (x) (let ((retval (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (map 'nil (lambda (c) (vector-push-extend (char-code c) retval)) (format nil "~A" x)) ; (coerce retval 'ironclad::simple-octet-vector)))
I would think the ~A in the format would give a solid textual representation for any type that has a printable expression. Am I incorrect in that?
Sorry, I might have got a bit ahead of myself there. But in general, objects that might be involved in a transaction could have values that are difficult to print. Take for example a structure, or a class instance. And for floating point values, the ~A is too lenient in terms of digits printed, rounding, etc. This code will also be dependent on the current value of *PRINT-BASE*, which I noticed that you permanently set to 16 along the way. But I saw your intent, and I substituted my own network byte encoding which handles everything except compiled closures. - DM