On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 5:49 PM, Robert Smith <quad@symbo1ics.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 4:57 AM, Alessio Stalla <alessiostalla@gmail.com> wrote:
The stance on packages found in the mentioned Quora post is based on the old misconception about packages being modules, or "software packages" in the Linux distribution sense. They're not. They are really just namespaces, containers of symbols. So it does not make any sense, to me, that they have versions. Software has versions, not names.
Systems are what should get versioned but systems are not what are referred to by source files. Systems largely coordinate the compilation and loading of files. Source files generally have no notion of a system, actually, which may be what is ultimately problematic. Packages are referred to by source files, however. When I said packages, I meant it, and it was not a conflation with the notion of a system.
Why should source files know about systems? Why should packages know about systems?
At the companies I have worked in, we rake in 100s of systems, which consist of n*100s of systems where n is the average number of packages per system. These version collisions happen enough, and we are lucky when they're not silent.
Was it in CL? Was it all in the same process? CL is not designed for these kinds of things.
Often enough, it's an extremely subtle issue that system A depends on {system B at time T1} and system C depends on {system B at time T2}, where T1 and T2 correspond to different versions of system B, even if not explicitly labeled as such.
A and C are incompatible. You need to fix A, B and/or C. The build system can record this incompatibility and issue an early error when you try to build them together. It can't fix A, B and/or C for you.
Let's suppose we simplify the problem however and assume that B has been properly versioned in time, and systems A and C refer properly to the correct version of system B as a dependency. Even then, they will not be able to be simultaneously loaded in a functionally correct fashion. (They *can* both be loaded, but you'll do some clobbering of state along the way.)
No. The build system can error out and tell you the easy way that you have to fix your bugs before you discover it the hard way.
Whether we think about modules as systems or as packages or as whatever, the problem would need to be addressed at the package level, if we are not assuming that we can't synchronize the universe of people writing Common Lisp.
The packages have nothing to do with it, unless you fork B into B1 and B2 (or B1 and B, or B and B2).
Overall, I'd summarize as this. Whether we have the technology in the Common Lisp ecosystem to accommodate this problem or not, it's my opinion and the opinion of many of my colleagues that there is a problem for development teams making extensive use of open and closed source code. There definitely is not a discipline that you see with other languages and their ecosystems (JS/npm, Clojure, etc.) about proper versioning of systems and furthermore proper loading of the proper versions. I don't think that's debatable. The closest we have to this solution is relying on the global nature of a particular Quicklisp distribution, but not all Lisp software is free and open source, and even software within Quicklisp has tons of implied version dependencies.
This is not a very Lisp-specific problem. This is a problem with building software in general. The correct approach is to fix incompatibilities, not to try to deny their existence only to find out the hard way you can't. Google Bazel provides a good way to deterministically build software that follows the correct discipline. So does NixOS. There may be other such tools. Use them. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Toleration is not about respecting other people's ideas. We have every right to fight ideas we think are stupid. Toleration is about respecting other people's persons. We have every duty to respect even persons we think are stupid.