On 4/13/2011 2:35 PM, Ryan Davis wrote:
When working on a larger lisp code base, one with 10+ files in one
package, I begin to get nervous about accidental name conflicts,
and was wondering how other people deal with this.
Here's the scenario I'm worried about:
- dsl.lisp, written by a coworker two years ago, has a number
of small functions that are helpers for the main
#'WRITE-DSL-REPORT function; one of these helpers is
- nagios-config.lisp, written by me today, has a number of
small functions that are helpers for the main
#'WRITE-NAGIOS-CONFIG function; one of these helpers is
- I miss the compiler warning about redefining #'GET-WAN-IPS
- I test my code, it works in my REPL so I commit and call it
a day
- Code eventually gets pushed to production and
#'WRITE-DSL-REPORT is broken
It doesn't happen very often (and testing procedures usually catch
stuff before it goes to production), but it seems like there
should be a nicer way to deal with helper functions that you want
to develop/test from the REPL, but don't need to be used outside
the current file.
The compiler warning should not have been missed. We have a "no
warnings" policy so warnings stand out, and I use the option in the
AllegroCL IDE that has it pop up a dialog on warnings (so I /really/
cannot miss them).
I suspect also that there may be a problem with the conclusion that
the code has been tested and works because it works in a REPL.
Absent those two issues, there is no longer a problem. :)