Did you guys get this?

Can you see the codes?


This is important.



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Begin forwarded message:

From: Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa@cs.nyu.edu>
Date: May 26, 2019 at 2:17:47 AM MDT
To: cdr-discuss@common-lisp.net
Cc: pro@common-lisp.net
Subject: Re: CDR-14 and optional modules
Reply-To: marco.antoniotti@unimib.it, Discussion list for Common Lisp professionals <pro@common-lisp.net>


if you don’t load code that implements a feature you wouldn’t be able to push a feature onto the *FEATURES* list.

That is, unless you are a jerk :) :) :) and push stuff onto the *FEATURES* list just for the heck of it, or as a, I’d say tasteless, joke :) :) :)



On May 12, 2019, at 22:04 , Michael Raskin <38a938c2@rambler.ru> wrote:

      I look at CDR-14 that says about putting :CDR-NN symbols into
*features* if implementation purports to implement a CDR. What is the
recommended behaviour in the case when the implementation provides
a loadable module to support a CDR? Should the feature be always present
or only appear when the module is loaded?
      What are the opinions?

      Thank you, good bye
Michael Raskin

Marco Antoniotti