I suppose I was at best a semi-pro - I used CL for my Master's work in the 2008-2012 timeframe. Later on I built a personal monitoring tool for my workstation, a early Prometheus really. Later on I lucked into a Clojure shop.... and was assigned to a Python team. Ha. These days I mostly do Scala at home and Go, Java, or Python at work. Lisp is still far ahead of the curve in many ways. Visions of the road not taken... Regards, Paul On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 8:28 AM Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 5:49 AM Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> wrote:
Using CL every day and making a living from it.
Knock loudly on wood 🌳, i should have added!
-- My Best,
Dave Cooper, david.cooper@gen.works genworks.com <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://genworks.com__;!!JYXjzlvb!yv8-GAeasZ5DYXWAlty5tE6b0kzH80SsT2ErTgP8VZbHDMKY4LDHBs8ulBJPVaXVNTHDPX0$>, gendl.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://gendl.org__;!!JYXjzlvb!yv8-GAeasZ5DYXWAlty5tE6b0kzH80SsT2ErTgP8VZbHDMKY4LDHBs8ulBJPVaXVdzmdnjo$> +1 248-330-2979