Daniel Weinreb wrote:
Yes, we use it heavily, mainly for date/time processing, which can be very complicated when you're dealing with time zones and such. Example:
(list :departure-time (format nil "~/zul%ISO8601/" departure-time-zul)
OK, but does it really buy you anything, compared to just calling a specific function directly? Your examples all seem to contain only one format directive.
:arrival-time (format nil "~/zul%ISO8601/" arrival-time-zul)
BTW, that should be (+ arrival-time-zul 1) for Air France :-)
It seems to me that the package handling part, specifically, makes it totally unusable.
You mean the fact that the name must be in the cl-user package, so that if there are two modules trying to use the same name, they conflict. That's true, but I think "totally unusable" is going a bit far.
I reckon it is in general. It's just that if you're writing a library (as opposed to a top-level application), then you don't want to pollute the cl-user package (in fact, you just can't if you want to be on the safe side), so even when your code is (in-package :long.package.name), you still need to use the package prefix in the format string, and /that/, I find totally unusable. -- Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated. Scientific site: http://www.lrde.epita.fr/~didier Music (Jazz) site: http://www.didierverna.com