On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Kenneth Tilton <ken@tiltontec.com> wrote:
You are puzzliing over undefined behavior, meaning what you have discovered:is that implementations are free to go as crazy as, well, canines in a dog park.
As usual Kenneth you are entertainingly sarcastic almost to a fault.
This can be excitingly crazy, because the CL standardizers were too exhausted to include the MOP in the standard. (They made nice excuses about not wanting to inhibit implementers, but dollars to donuts they just ran up the white flag in the face of the idea of standardizing something as vast in itself as a complete HLL).
Musing over this ever since the official publication the CL standard, I am still not convinced it was a bad and unwise decision.
What were actually trying to build?
Just pushing my Sisyphus' rock (aka. MKCL) in a somewhat better direction.