Yeah, I was halfway thru a submission when I realized it was not remote. Glad to see CL is no deader than usual!

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:36 AM Scott McKay <> wrote:
These guys sound pretty cool, actually!

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:27 AM Jakob Østergaard Hegelund <> wrote:

Hi all,

In case anyone is looking for a lisp gig in Lviv or Kyiv:

Rudi Araújo writes:

> Hi,
> Anyway, I still hang on to Emacs and use Emacs Lisp occasionally for
> throwaway scripts. I do miss CL though. I wish there were more CL jobs
> going around.

Ask and you shall receive ;)

Jakob Østergaard Hegelund | Head of Engineering
          +45 22 94 81 00 |       |

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