I apologize for my absence. @David - FBP == flow-based programming. http://www.jpaulmorrison.com/fbp/ http://www.amazon.ca/Dataflow-Reactive-Programming-Systems-Practical/dp/1497422442/ref=pd_sim_14_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0KS3EMGV9M1T5D66DCNG Frame-based is interesting in its own right, though http://www.amazon.ca/Framing-Software-Reuse-Lessons-World/dp/013327859X Just about everyone has used a restricted form of FBP. It’s called “BASH pipe syntax”. @Stelian, this technique works with or without an O/S. “… Being an interpreter is crucial here, because as soon as they tried compiling to native code(HiPE) they had problems with tight loops in pure Erlang code that would not yield to the scheduler and thus starved other processes. Almost nobody uses HiPE. …” This is the part that I have difficulties communicating to people :-). Here’s another attempt, where I discuss long-running loops and rolling your own scheduler... https://bittarvydas.wordpress.com/2015/09/27/long-running-loops/ pt